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Learning Without Limits

Year 5 Crew


Class Teacher: Miss Borrill

Learning Coaches: Miss Thain and Miss Travis



We follow a mastery maths curriculum and use White Rose Planning resources.


To support children with their learning we will build on the following approaches:

Concrete – children should have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing.

Pictorial – alongside concrete objects, children should use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems.

Abstract – both concrete and pictorial representations should support children's understanding of abstract methods.


Times Table Practice - Year 5 children are expected to know all of their multiplication tables up to 12x12. These should be practised regularly at home through the use of our school app, TT Rock Stars.





Reading regularly at home, and reading for pleasure, supports greatly with comprehension skills and will support with assessments at the end of the half-term and throughout the year. 

Children also have access to Reading Plus; this app provides additional help to the children to improve their reading speed and fluency, and further builds their comprehension skills and inference of a text. Children have all been issued with usernames and passwords to access the website. 


School Library

At SVP we encourage and foster a love of reading for pleasure. The children have access to a wide range of books both in the school library, and on the online platform which can be found at 

All children have been issued with log-in details.


Advice for reading with your child/ren at home

Talk about the text with your child. Ask questions such as:

  • What do they think the book is about, based on the front cover?
  • What do they think will happen next?
  • Which characters do they like or dislike, and why?

Discuss the language used, descriptions, and how punctuation is used for effect.



Children will be given their weekly spelling list every Friday. Their spellings will also be available to practise on Spelling Frame. The spellings are tailored to each child’s specific needs and form part of their targets for the year. Children have all been issued with usernames and passwords to access the website.

Please help your child to learn their spellings as we would like to see spelling scores increase this half-term. The lists given will feed into final assessments at the end of the year and are very important.


These are the spellings that children are expected to know in years 5 and 6:These are the Statutory spellings which children are expected to know in years 5 and 6



PE lessons are on a Thursday afternoon. Children are welcome to come to school in their PE kits.   



We believe that home-learning should not cause anxiety or worry. The children may occasionally be given paper-based home-learning activities, but generally, as well as reading, they are expected to complete activities on the school apps (Reading Plus, Times Tables Rock Stars, Spelling Frame, Nessy and Numbots).


Autumn Term Project

The Legacy of the Ancient Greeks: What influence did the Ancient Greeks have on modern-day thinking?

This term, Year 5 Crew have been learning about the legacy of the Ancient Greeks and the impact they still have in our lives today. The children have enthusiastically immersed themselves in learning all about Greek gods and myths, architecture, and democracy. They have taken part in their own debates and have linked their learning to current affairs.

So far in this project, the children have enjoyed a question-and-answer session with Sir George Howarth MP. They also visited the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Mary Rasmussen, at Liverpool Town Hall where the she shared her knowledge and experience of local politics and democracy. 


Spring Term Project

Climate Control: Can small changes make big differences?

In this project, the children will be learning about the historic and current environmental threats to our planet: climate change, pollution, deforestation, heatwaves, flooding etc. They will be learning about our place in space, as well as developing their understanding of the planets, and the impact of the sun on the Earth.



Summer Term Project




Useful maths websites for children

KS2 pupils:

Year 5 Maths Overview Planning

Year 5 Recommended Reads

Our Autumn Class Read
