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Check our Curriculum tab for the SVP HABITS OF WORK AND LEARNING


Learning Without Limits

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Hello and welcome to the Crew 2 Home Learning page. Here you will find daily learning targets and activities.  Most of these activities have also been sent home as a paper copy as well as being available on SeeSaw.  


Daily Learning Targets 

Please use the daily learning targets to keep on-track as well as to maintain a steady and balanced workload. Although it might be tempting to race through the activities, please remember that these should be completed as part of a board range of activities at home, including, Apps (where internet is available) elements of free choice and breaks.



Activities will be posted on SeeSaw along with regular updates, videos for English, maths, assemblies and more. To be able to access the activities children must log-in to SeeSaw as themselves using the student log-in provided in your pack. You must NOT share this code with anyone else. 


How Long Should Activities Take?

Generally, in class children would spend no more than 20 minutes listening to an input and no more than 30 minutes at a time sat at an activity. Suitable breaks should be given. It is more effective to have a break after 30 minutes and return to an activity than plough on for extended lengths of time. 


Range of activities 

Children in class are use to having a range of learning activities which they rotate around. Therefore, once their daily lessons in maths, english and project have been completed, children should be able to choose how they fit handwriting, span, apps and other sheets in their learning pack into their day. 


Suggested timetable

09:15 Maths 

10:00 Break

10:20 Reading or Story (listen on SeeSaw or read your own at home - to be confirmed)

10:40 Handwriting 

11:00 English

11:45 Break / Lunch 

12:45 Project

13:45 Choose activities including Apps. 

Weekly Crew Check-In (Zoom details on SeeSaw to be confirmed)  
