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Learning Without Limits

Nursery Crew


Welcome to

Nursery Crew




Class Teachers are:

       Mrs. Donohue & Mrs. Smyth   


Learning Coach is

Miss. Miller


At SVP we love to learn through play, our priority is to provide real hands on learning experiences, creating resilient learners with a passion for achieving their personal best.



Some important things to remember when your child starts Nursery -

 * we spend lots of our time playing in our garden exploring the natural environment, so please make sure your child has appropriate clothing. 

* please put your child's name in all their clothes (including coats etc).

* play can sometimes be messy so we kindly ask you to bring a bag with spare clothes to keep on their pegs.





We hope you know this already, but you are the first teacher in your child's life. They are constantly observing and copying what they see, we are all their role models - we need to set the best example possible.

You truly are a crucial part to the success of their learning.

Here are some of the ways in which you can help your child at home to

support their learning and development -  


* Ditch the dummy and bottle (the sooner the better)
 *Encourage them to be independent in getting dressed 
*Read lots of stories and sing nursery rhymes everyday
*Practice counting in real life scenarios (going up the stairs, getting plates out etc)

* Spend quality time engaging in conversations with your child 

*Listen to them and give them time to talk (your time is very important to them)

*Establish a good bedtime routine, if they sleep well they will learn well.



Our Curriculum


In Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

This has PRIME and SPECIFIC areas of learning.


​The Prime areas are...

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development


The Specific areas are...



Understanding the world 

Expressive arts and design



Knowledge Organisers
