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Learning Without Limits




Our Curriculum at Stockbridge Primary School


‘A good curriculum...has to be part of a focused effort to support teachers in order for it to have its intended effect.’


We see our curriculum as everything we say and do in our school so it is far more than the subjects we teach or the projects we design. It enables us to support our children to flourish and for them to help others’ to do so.


Our school curriculum is drawn from the National Curriculum for England, which sets out the content and programmes of study for maintained primary schools. We view the National Curriculum as an entitlement for children in our school to access all subjects, thus providing them with a broad and balanced education that acknowledges the significance of English, Mathematics and Science but equally the importance of the Arts, History, Music, Languages, Geography, Technology, Computing, Religious Education and British values in a modern world.


Our school curriculum is a standards led, academically rigorous thematic approach, organised in the form of Expeditionary Projects. This is to enable children and teachers to make connections across subjects and disciplines and supports language and knowledge use across subjects through big ideas.


We infuse our school curriculum with first hand experiences and activities that engage them in our local community and service to others’. Each project will also have a ‘Presentation of Understanding’ which will require the children to plan a large exhibition, event, play, resources, publications etc. that require them to share their learning with others. In this way, we are able to develop both academic learning full of knowledge as well as character traits such as collaboration, communication, planning skills, courage and entrepreneurship.


Our school curriculum projects are also based on big ideas or concepts that help drive understanding for children such as change, adaptation, cause and effect, difference, courage. This enables us to make many connections across the whole curriculum as these big ideas appear across subjects, year groups and are timeless.


At Stockbridge Village Primary School, we want our children to gain good mastery of   knowledge and skills in our curriculum, produce high quality work with an ethic of excellence and develop a good character. We believe that to achieve this requires effort over time and craftsmanship. In order to develop craftsmanship, we believe academic projects offer our children the most meaningful context to do high quality work, master knowledge and skills and show good character. 


Where possible, we align our projects with the 17 Global Goals for sustainability and encourage our children to have a clear commitment to making the world a better place.


We believe that when stripped back, people are judged, after exams results, by the mastery of knowledge and skills, the quality of ones’ work and by our character. This is exactly what we all look for in the people we trust, who we employ, and the friends we choose. 



SVP Curriculum - Why?

Why is our curriculum developed the way it is?

The Design Principles of our Curriculum

SVP Curriculum - How ?

SVP Curriculum - What?

How do we ensure our curriculum has

coverage and progression?



How do we know our curriculum is working?

See below to find out more about the curriculum content for each year group and details of each term's Expeditionary Project.

If you have any questions regarding our curriculum then please see our Curriculum Statement below or contact school directly on 0151 477 8020 or by email
