Teacher: Mrs Ashe
Learning Coach: Miss J Evans
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For photographs of our work and class news, please visit our SeeSaw page using the SeeSaw App or by visiting https://app.seesaw.me
Autumn 2021 Expeditionary Project
My Map Book
Essential Question
Where Does My Home End?
In this project children will be exploring the concept of maps and considering their use, value and potential for change. Children will be developing a sense of place whilst developing and using their geographical knowledge as they learn about their local area. This will continue to foster a sense of responsibly for their environment, liking with the previous project. Children will be drawing and interpreting maps as well as identifying the human and physical features of the local area and beyond. As well as being able to locate Stockbridge Village on a map, children will also be able to locate Liverpool and recognise major landmarks including researching their historic value. The children will explore how Stockbridge Village has changed over time. Further more, children will explore historic maps, recognising change over time in their local area and wider city.
My Map Book
We had to answer the essential question:
EQ: “Where does my Home End?”
The main Learning Targets for this project were:
Our presentation of learning was to design and create a book based on the local area.
We will be reading 'My Map Book' by Sara Fanelli.
In each spread of this bold and humorous picture book... children can examine their place in the world around them through detailed and engaging maps. Twelve beautifully illustrated maps such as Map of My Day and Map of My Tummy will fascinate children.
A knowledge organiser and map of our project can be found and downloaded below. Children will receive a printed copy to take home. The organiser should be used as an information poster throughout the project - they do not need to memorise everything upon receiving it!
Home Reading
All children will bring home a home reading book from our school library. They will have a set day when they will read with a teacher or learning coach in school. However, you child can change their reading books as often as possible. Please make a brief comment in your child's Reading Record.
It is important that you read with your child at least three times per week but preferably more. We strive to foster a love of reading in your child and you can support us by talking to them about their book and motivating them by listening to them read aloud.
We follow a mastery maths programme and use the White Rose Planning resources. Children are supported in a variety of approaches to their maths work to ensure sound mathematical understanding. The approaches used are as follows:
Concrete – children should have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing.
Pictorial – alongside concrete objects, children should use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems.
Abstract – both concrete and pictorial representations should support children's understanding of abstract methods
An overview of the maths blocks can be viewed below.
Children in Year 1 and 2 should not bring a snack into school as children in these years benefit from the free fruit and milk scheme. They will be able to have their water bottle, milk and a choice of fruit each day.
Spring Term 2022
Expeditionary Project Narrative
Life and Land and Below the Sea
We had to answer the essential question:
EQ: “Is life on land more important than life in the sea?”
The Learning Targets for this project were:
Case Study 1:
To start our project, we will learn about the properties of materials and we will explore the vocabulary associated with these materials. The children will work scientifically to test materials to see if they are waterproof, transparent, translucent or opaque. The children will plan a fair test and make predications and finally evaluate the outcome.
Case Study 2:
Next, the children will explore materials that could be recycled. They will discuss the three R.s, Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. We will look at plastics in particular and the pros and cons of using this material. We will discuss how plastic is having an impact in our oceans based on its properties and pollution. We will create a role-play recycling centre in our classroom.
Case Study 3:
The children will then looked at the life of Sir David Attenborough. We will start by reading the book David Attenborough (Little People, BIG DREAMS) by Maria Sanchez Vegara. We will learn how Sir David Attenborough has created a landmark series that helped launch a new kind of television documentary, putting history, culture and science on the screen in ways never seen before. The children will explore the fact that Sir David Attenborough has created endless documentaries about nature, animals and their habitats. The children will learn about the fact that many plants and animals have been named after Sir David Attenborough.
Case Study 4:
In this case study the children will look at the life of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. We will start by reading the book Manfish by Jennifer Berne and Eric Puybare, which will give us an insight into his earlier life. They will learn that Jacques Cousteau was a famous ocean explorer who has introduced millions of people to the underwater world. We will learn that he also worked to protect the world’s oceans. We will discover that Cousteau helped invent a device that would allow people to dive deeper and move freely about the water. He and an engineer named Émile Gagnan created the first scuba diving device called the Aqua-Lung.
Case Study 5:
In our final case study, the Crew will begin to look at animal classification and how animals are grouped according to their characteristics.
Anchor Text
Our English anchor text is “The Secret of Black Rock ” which is a story about a girl called Erin who wants to explore the ocean However, out there in the deepest sea lies the Black Rock: a huge, dark and spiky mass that is said to destroy any boats that come near it! Can Erin uncover the truth behind this mysterious legend?
Global Goals
Global Goal get children thinking about what they would like to see in the future and their own wishes for the world. In this project we explored the Global Goals 12-15.
Summer Term
Expeditionary Project Narrative
In Summer term 2022, the Year 1 crew’s project is called:
How Big Can Anything Grow?
In this project, we have to answer the following Essential Questions:
EQ: What do living things need to grow?
Where does growth start and end?
Our Learning Targets are:
In this project, we will learn about growth through plants, animals and human changes
Case Study 1:
The expedition will begin with an immersion experience that will include a visit to Littlewoods/Stad Moore lead by the fantastic Knowsley Rangers. We will learn about a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.
Case Study 2:
The children will discover if they have green fingers. We will be learning about the structure of plants, recognising different plants and what they need to grow. The children will be conducting an experiment by growing their own plants and flowers and observing what happens to them in different conditions.
Case study 3:
We will also be keeping a record of our experiment with our very own plant diaries. The children will also have the opportunity to go outdoors and plant some vegetables in our outdoor area. We will then use our home-grown produce to make a healthy dish.
Case Study 4:
Crew One will also be observing the changing of the seasons, including the weather and day length. We will be working scientifically by getting outside to observe the changes in nature as summer arrives.
Presentation of Learning:
Finally, the children will present their learning by creating a T-shirt of Knowledge in answer to their
Essential Questions:
What do living things need to grow?
Where does growth start and end?
English across the curriculum and Anchor Texts:
The Anchor Text we will use to develop our English across the curriculum is The Extraordinary Garden written by Sam Boughton. It is a charming story about the importance of nature, teaching us that if we work hard enough our dreams really can come true!
This book can be accessed online