How to support your child learning maths from home.
Current teaching methods
Some areas of the maths curriculum are taught differently today to how most adults were taught at school. We know that lots of parents and carers find it helpful to understand how their children are taught, so here are some good resources that explain teaching methods clearly. The best thing that parents and carers can do for children is to have a positive attitude towards maths.
General Tips!
- If you don't know something, that's OK. Try and work out the problem together.
- Set aside some homework time Start a homework routine, find a quiet place for your child to work and take away any distractions if possible.
- With younger children, you could set yourself adult "homework" time. Do 'homework' yourself e.g. shopping list, checking your phone bill. Show them that you are using the skills they're learning.
- Rephrase questions using things that your child is interested in
- If they're doing well, praise them for effort. Say "well done, you've worked so hard", rather than calling them "clever" or praising talent. This helps children learn that their abilities can develop as long as they work hard.
- When they get stuck, ask them to explain what they've done so far and what they're finding hard. Try and help them work out where they've gone wrong.
- With older children, still show interest but let them be more independent and figure out problems for themselves.
- Remember, Grappling is good, problems should be challenging to encourage thinking and learning.
At Stockbridge Village Primary all pupils have access to a variety of different apps to help them in their education. These apps teach children in all different subjects (Maths and English). All children know their passwords and usernames and are taught about internet safety, this means that all the apps are secure and private. Here are a selection of the apps...
Additional Support
BBC has a selection of videos explaining maths concepts:
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Nrich has a range of maths games, problems and articles on all areas of maths. Parents of Key Stage 1 children should select ‘stage 1’ and parents of Key Stage 2 children should select ‘stage 2’:
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Maths 4 Mums and Dads explains some of the milestones children make between the ages of 3 and 11 years old:
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Oxford Owl includes a range of activities, top tips and eBooks to help your child with their maths at home:
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A Maths Dictionary for Kids is a great online maths dictionary, which contains hundreds of definitions, as well as animations and activities to help bring maths words to life:
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