What is pupil premium?
Pupil premium is funding provided to schools which is additional to main funding. It is allocated according to the number of pupils on roll who:
The Pupil Premium Grant at SVP:
At SVP we aim to use the pupil premium grant to diminish the attainment gap between pupil groups at SVP with all pupils nationally, to increase pupil participation, to support and develop individual talent and to increase self esteem and sense of belonging for 60.2% of our pupils. We carefully decide how the pupil premium is allocated, taking into account the needs of the child and by monitoring provision and its impact on the child. We base some of our decisions on information which is provided by The Sutton Trust - more information can be found at www.suttontrust.com - a summary of educational research which identifies the most effective ways to use resources to improve the attainment of pupils.
"It's not what you spend, it's the way you spend it... that's what gets results..'
The Sutton Trust 2015
Research tells us that the quality of first teaching delivers the best results for pupils who are vulnerable to under achievement and therefore it has been our primary aim to secure this through the use of funding. Through high quality teaching and targeted interventions we aim to eliminate barriers to learning. Governors have invested this money wisely in strengthening our teaching team as well as commissioning external and specialist support for pupils.
We also believe that collaborative learning, increased use of technology, early years intervention, improving feedback, behaviour interventions and outdoor experiences are important to increasing educational attainment. Research supports us in this assumption and this learning is considered when planning pupil premium expenditure. The Leadership team sees work of this nature as essential to the well being and success of every child at our school.
As a result of expenditure and investment we have been able to :
1. Increase staff and pupil access to technology and to promote its usage across the curriculum.
2. Extend the % of outstanding teaching and learning at our school; a profile that improves year on year.
3. Secure extra provision for pupils with learning or behavioural needs.
4. Introduce forest school experiences for pupils and parents.
5. Increase participation in residential, school trips and outdoor learning opportunities.
6. Provide high quality, impact driven interventions in reading and phonics.
7. Provide small group / 1:1 tuition where required
8. Narrow the attainment gap for disadvantaged / vulnerable pupils by the end of KS2.
A copy of the current Strategy Plan is available below.